My Project 4

For my project four, I have decided to review The Wizard of Oz. It’s such a classic, so I thought why not? Though I’ve seen it about a dozen times, I’ve never paused to analyze it. After watching it this time, I noticed a couple of things that I hadn’t before.

First of all, the special effects seem kind of “corny” now that I analyze them closely. It was 1939 after all. Even though the musical just turned 80 years old, it still amazes me at how well the film was produced given the time period in which it was made.

The tornado effect, the bubble in which the good witch, Glenda appears in, the orange fog in which the Wicked Witch of the West appears and disappears would have definitely been breath taking to watch in the 1930’s!

I think that this movie is a great classic, and I still enjoy watching it every now and then.

2 thoughts on “My Project 4

  1. rasheedafrancis5795

    I’m excited to read your project 4! Or to hear more about it, only because its been a couple years since i watched The wizard of oz so i dont remember everything that happened but i do know its a timeless classic.


  2. bgiraldo1

    I’m excited to read yours too! I loved The Hunger Games movie but it’s been a while since I last saw it. I’m interested in hearing about your opinion on it! Let me read your paper when you’re done! 🙂


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